Eric Slessarev Assistant Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511 eric.slessarev@yale.edu Website Research Interests: Soil science, terrestrial biogeochemistry, ecosystem-geosphere interactions, carbon and nutrient cycling |
KGL 417; Lab KGL 318 |
Carla Staver Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Associate Director of The Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511 carla.staver@yale.edu Phone: 203-436-9200 Fax: 203-432-5176 Website Research Interests: Landscape ecology of savannas and forest; fire and herbivore feedbacks; temporal and spatial variability as ecological driver; historical dependence in ecology. |
KGL 416; Lab KGL 318 |
Stephen Stearns Edward P. Bass Professor Emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology stephen.stearns@yale.edu Phone: Website Research Interests: I am retired and no longer accepting graduate students. Life history evolution, evolutionary medicine, evolutionary genetics and innovations in teaching that serve learning. |
Alison Sweeney Associate Professor of Physics; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology alison.sweeney@yale.edu |
SCL 131 |