Graduate Students

Namrata Ahuja's picture Namrata Ahuja
Graduate Student
165 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Casey Dunn
Research Interests: evolution and development of marine invertebrates, novel cell types and characteristics, embryology, comparative studies
Year joined department: 2021
Nathalie Alomar's picture Nathalie Alomar
Graduate Student
21 Sachem St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Martha Muñoz
Research Interests: ecophysiological evolution, herpetology, adaptive radiation, phylogenetic comparative methods
Year joined department: 2021
Elizabeth Blackmore's picture Elizabeth Blackmore
Graduate Student
Lab Group: Brandon Ogbunu
Year joined department: 2023
Niklas Blanadet's picture Niklas Blanadet
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, nutrient dynamics, plant physiology, biogeography, disturbance ecology
Year joined department: 2024
Chase Brownstein's picture Chase Brownstein
Graduate Student
Lab Group: Thomas Near
Research Interests: Phylogenetics, Speciation, Evolvability, Genomics, Fossil Record, Species Depauperacy, Evolutionary Stasis
Year joined department: 2023
Henry Camarillo's picture Henry Camarillo
Graduate Student
21 Sachem St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Martha Muñoz
Research Interests: Evolutionary ecology, functional morphology & biomechanics, phylogenetic comparative methods
Year joined department: 2019
Haysun Choi's picture Haysun Choi
Graduate Student
21 Sachem St, New Haven CT 06511
Lab Group: Richard Prum
Research Interests: aesthetic evolution, sexual selection and mate choice, mathematical modeling
Year joined department: 2021
Anri Chomentowska's picture Anri Chomentowska
Graduate Student
165 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Erika Edwards
Year joined department: 2018
Dalila Destanovic's picture Dalila Destanovic
Graduate Student
Lab Group: Casey Dunn
Research Interests: Evolution of marine invertebrates, 3D genome structure, and comparative genomics.
Year joined department: 2023
Camila Reis Freire's picture Camila Reis Freire
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Open ecosystems dynamics, fire ecology.
Year joined department: 2024
Freddy Gonzalez's picture Freddy Gonzalez
Graduate Student
165 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Paul Turner
Research Interests: Microbial ecology, phage-mediated community design and using metagenomics to predict & characterize microbial function
Year joined department: 2022
Aleksandra Greshnova's picture Aleksandra Greshnova
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Robustness and evolvability, gene regulatory network evolution, evolution of infectious disease, experimental evolution
Year joined department: 2024
Isabela Hernández Rodriguez's picture Isabela Hernández Rodriguez
Graduate Student
Lab Group: Martha Muñoz
Research Interests: Ecophysiological evolution, thermal physiology, neurophysiology, adaptive radiation, developmental biology, comparative morphology.
Year joined department: 2023
Arata Honda's picture Arata Honda
Graduate Student
165 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Richard Prum
Research Interests: Arboreality and the assembly of life across forest canopies, advancing taxonomic representation & spatial coverage in remote sensing, temporal niche partitioning, tropical biodiversity, ecosystem science, conservation biology & plans, disturbance ecology
Year joined department: 2022
Noah Houpt's picture Noah Houpt
Graduate Student
165 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Paul Turner
Research Interests: Untangling the dynamics and drivers of microbial adaptation and diversification using experimental evolution.
Year joined department: 2021
Ketty Kabengele's picture Ketty Kabengele
Graduate Student
165 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Brandon Ogbunu
Research Interests: Experimental evolution in viruses, drug resistance evolution and epidemiology.
Year joined department: 2020
Misha Kummel's picture Misha Kummel
Graduate Student
Lab Group: David Vasseur
Year joined department: 2023
Julia Laterza Barbosa's picture Julia Laterza Barbosa
Graduate Student
21 Sachem St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Martha Muñoz
Research Interests: Herpetology, evolutionary physiology, biogeography, phylogenetic comparative methods.
Year joined department: 2020
Richard Li's picture Richard Li
Graduate Student
165 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Walter Jetz
Research Interests: Urban ecology, invasion ecology, biogeography, botany, ornithology
Year joined department: 2019
Cody Limber's picture Cody Limber
Graduate Student
21 Sachem St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Richard Prum
Research Interests: Birds, feather development and evolution, genomics
Year joined department: 2019
Swathi Nachiar Manivannan's picture Swathi Nachiar Manivannan
Graduate Student
Lab Group: Brandon Ogbunu
Research Interests: Life history traits and eco-evolutionary dynamics of pathogens, host-pathogen interactions, transmission modes of pathogens
Year joined department: 2022
Lauren Mellenthin's picture Lauren Mellenthin
Graduate Student
165 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Casey Dunn
Research Interests: Siphonophores, Biophysical evolution of Metazoans, and Morphological diversity.
Year joined department: 2019
Marie Norwood's picture Marie Norwood
Graduate Student
Lab Group: Carla Staver
Research Interests: Grassland/savanna ecology, fire ecology, disturbance, and restoration.
Year joined department: 2023
Emmanuel Oduro Takyi's picture Emmanuel Oduro Takyi
Graduate Student
165 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Carla Staver
Research Interests: Savanna vegetation dynamics; plants' responses to disturbances.
Year joined department: 2022
Isaac Larbi Osew's picture Isaac Larbi Osew
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Disease ecology, host-parasite interaction, co-infection, helminths.
Year joined department: 2024
Oluwatobi Oso's picture Oluwatobi Oso
Graduate Student
165 Prosect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Erika Edwards
Research Interests: Plant anatomy, digital morphometrics, biosystematics, and evolution.
Year joined department: 2021
Alison Robey's picture Alison Robey
Graduate Student
165 Prosect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: David Vasseur
Research Interests: : theoretical ecology, species distribution and persistence, spatio-temporal impacts of environmental variability, biodiversity
Year joined department: 2021
Will Rogers's picture Will Rogers
Graduate Student
165 Prosect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Vanessa Ezenwa
Research Interests: Host movement ecology, social behavior, fitness of mixed tolerance/resistance mechanisms, ecoimmunology, phylodynamics, and parasitic community interactions
Year joined department: 2021
Claire Schraidt's picture Claire Schraidt
Graduate Student
165 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: David Post
Research Interests: Rapid evolution, mechanisms for adaptation, secondary contact + hybridization, eco-evo feedbacks.
Year joined department: 2022
Pia Franziska Schwarz's picture Pia Franziska Schwarz
Graduate Student
Lab Group: Jenn Coughlan
Research Interests: Evolutionary genetics, hybridization and introgression patterns, population genomics, speciation and genome evolution.
Year joined department: 2023
Shubhi Sharma's picture Shubhi Sharma
Graduate Student
165 Prosect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Walter Jetz
Research Interests: climate change, global biodiversity, forest distributions, statistical modelling, spatio-temporal dynamics
Year joined department: 2020
Abigail Skwara's picture Abigail Skwara
Graduate Student
Lab Group: David Vasseur
Year joined department: 2021
Hagar Soliman's picture Hagar Soliman
Graduate Student
165 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Jenn Coughlan
Research Interests: Investigating the evolution of reproductive isolation barriers and revealing the underlying genetic and molecular mechanisms leading to their formation and fixation in plant species from the genus Mimulus
Year joined department: 2022
Pei-Wei Sun's picture Pei-Wei Sun
Graduate Student
Year joined department: 2024
Riley Wadehra's picture Riley Wadehra
Graduate Student
165 Prosect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Carla Staver
Research Interests: ecosystems transitions, theoretical ecology
Year joined department: 2021
Petra Wakker's picture Petra Wakker
Graduate Student
165 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: David Post
Research Interests: Food web ecology, spatiotemporal community dynamics, aquatic ecology and entomology.
Year joined department: 2020
Maggie Weber's picture Maggie Weber
Graduate Student
165 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Vanessa Ezanwa
Research Interests: Host-parasite interactions within ecological communities, coevolution, coinfection, disease ecology
Year joined department: 2022
Lan Wei's picture Lan Wei
Graduate Student
Lab Group: Erika Edwards
Year joined department: 2023
Julia Wood's picture Julia Wood
Graduate Student
21 Sachem St., New Haven, CT 06511
Lab Group: Tom Near
Research Interests: phylogenetics of freshwater fishes, diversification, and speciation
Year joined department: 2021