
YEEBUG is the Undergraduate Group for Yale’s Ecology and Evolutionary Biology majors!

The group organizes social events for declared majors, leads field trips, organizes topical panels and dinners with professors, and represents the group at bazaars and academics fairs.  Students in the major hail from diverse backgrounds and are interested in a wide array of topics: they range from viral evolution to primate psychology, anthropology to conservation policy, fish phylogenetics to microbial ecology, agricultural entomology to biogeography and landscape ecology.  Prospective majors are welcome at all events!

To get involved or to be added to the listserv, please email one of the current YEEBUG Board Members: Co-Presidents ‘24 and ‘24 , Treasurer ‘25,  Secretary ‘26, Publicity Coordinator ’26, or Advisor ’25.  Contact us today if you’d like to join! 

YEEBUGs on a field trip to the Bronx Zoo

YEEBUG terrestrial arthropod collecting trip