Below is a list of Institutional, National and International agencies supporting undergraduate and graduate research
The Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies Small Grants Program awards grants in all areas of biospheric studies, including but not limited to research primarily affiliated with the departments of Anthropology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Epidemiology and Public Health, Forestry and Environmental Studies, Geology and Geophysics. Proposals are solicited annually during the spring term (due in March) and results are announced before the completion of the term.
The Student Grants & Fellowships at Yale maintains a listing of current fellowship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students.
The Office of Financial Aid is a resource to graduate students, departments and non-Yale organizations needing guidance or assistance regarding financial aid policies, the disbursement of fellowships and the administration of student loan programs.
National and International
The National Science Foundation provides numerous opportunities for training and research for graduate students and undergraduates.
- Proposals for Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants (DDIG) are solicited yearly and are aimed at improving research beyond the already existing doctoral research. See a Sample NSF DIG proposal.
- Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) provide opportunities for undergraduates to be incorporated meaningful ways in ongoing research programs or in research projects specifically designed for the REU program. A currently list of REU opportunities can be found at
The Environmental Protection Agency supports graduate research through EPA star fellowships.
The Organization for Tropical Studies provides opportunities for research and training to both graduate and undergraduate students.