Richard Bribiescas
Deputy Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity; Professor of Anthropology
2 Whitney Avenue
Professor Bribiescas received his B.A. in Anthropology and Psychology (double major) from the University of California, Los Angeles, afterwards earning an A.M. and Ph.D. in Anthropology from Harvard University. Prior to his position at Yale, he was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the Reproductive Endocrine Unit of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
Office Location:
Whitney Grove Square Building
Research Areas:
Richard Bribiescas is Professor of Anthropology, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Deputy Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity. He is also a Primary Investigator in the Yale Reproductive Ecology Laboratory and the Program in Reproductive Ecology, a YIBS sponsored research initiative. His most notable research involves the evolutionary biology and endocrinology of human and comparative life histories, reproduction, aging, and metabolism. He has conducted field research among the Ache people of Paraguay as well as populations in Venezuela, Japan, Ecuador, and the United States as well as various species of non-human primates. He is presently collaborating with Professors Larry Sugiyama and Josh Snodgrass of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Oregon, as well as Professor Felicia Madimenos of the Department of Anthropology at Queen’s College CUNY on the Shuar Health and Life History Project in Ecuador.