Tutorial for seniors in the B.A. degree program who elect a term of independent study to complete the senior requirement. A student must be sponsored by a faculty member who sets requirements and meets weekly with the student. One or more written examinations and/or a term paper are required. To register, the student must submit a written plan of study approved by the faculty instructor to the director of undergraduate studies. Students are encouraged to apply during the term preceding the tutorial. Proposals must be submitted no later than the first day of the second week of the term in which the student enrolls in the tutorial. The final paper is due in the hands of the director of undergraduate studies by the last day of reading period in the term of enrollment. Normally, faculty sponsors must be members of the EEB department.
Requires Permission of the Instructor
Enrollment limited to seniors. Fulfills the senior requirement for the B.A. degree.
1 Yale College course credit(s).